
2023 第六屆 GCSA 全球企業永續獎,開始報名!

  • 活動日期: 2023 年 08 月 17 日
  • 活動時間: 112年5月01日 至 8月17日
  • 活動地點:
  • 活動狀態: 活動報名中
  • 活動描述:全球企業永續獎(Global Corporate Sustainability Award, GCSA)自2018年發起後,致力支持「2030 年永續發展議程」。以「提升對永續性原則與實踐的認識」、「認可不同組織為實現永續發展而付出的心力」、「持續發展企業永續以達到世界標準」、「瞭解多面相的永續議題」、「培養全球企業群對企業社會責任與永續議題之關注」為宗旨,GCSA獎勵並認可。 














全球企業永續獎(Global Corporate Sustainability Award, GCSA)自2018年發起後,致力支持「2030 年永續發展議程」。以「提升對永續性原則與實踐的認識」、「認可不同組織為實現永續發展而付出的心力」、「持續發展企業永續以達到世界標準」、「瞭解多面相的永續議題」、「培養全球企業群對企業社會責任與永續議題之關注」為宗旨,GCSA獎勵並認可企業、組織及個人在達成永續發展上的貢獻。



  • 提升對永續性原則與實踐的認識。
  • 認可不同組織為實現永續發展而付出的心力。
  • 持續發展企業永續,達到世界標準。
  • 瞭解多面相的永續議題。
  • 培養全球企業群對企業社會責任與永續議題之關注。





永續報告書獎Sustainability Reporting




最佳案例獎Best Practices

說明:表揚在永續發展方面擁有表現成果的案例。得獎者分為「年度最佳案例 Outstanding Practice」及「績優案例 Great Practice」。



傑出人物獎Outstanding Professional







Global Corporate Sustainability Awards (GCSA) established in 2018 supports the United Nations 2030 Agenda. GCSA rewards and recognizes companies, organizations, and individuals for their efforts in achieving sustainability. Over the past 5 years, GCSA has been awarded to the winners from France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, and USA. GCSA is reputable for its globalized judging panels, grand award ceremony, and international media exposures. It benefits businesses in building its image and marketing of products.

GCSA formally announce its 2023 guideline and award details as follow:


Important Dates

  • Award guideline announcement: 22nd March 2023
  • Registration open: 1st May 2023
  • Registration deadline: 17th August 2023
  • Notice of results: 11th October 2023
  • Awards ceremony: 15th November 2023



GCSA encompasses 3 categories:

Recognizing individuals who have made outstanding contributions to drive sustainable development within their organizations.


Recognizing organizations for the disclosure of sustainability information in comprehensive, transparent and credible manners.


Specific practice that has delivered major contribution toward sustainable developments. There are no restrictions on the time period, length, stage or issues of concern for the practice. It is, however, recommended that such practices have reached milestones with results presentable to panel judges.


Please be aware that a new website will be set up for the registration and application for the 2023 GCSA. The website update aims to give our candidates optimized experience participating our awards. An announcement will be made as soon as the website is ready. Meanwhile, we would like to invite you to fill in the following form for early registration, we will inform you the latest updates of our awards and respond to any questions you may have.



GCSA Secretariate

Email: GCSA@taise.org.tw

Address: 5F.-5, No.188, Sec. 5, Nanjing E. Rd. Taipei, Taiwan

Website: https://www.globalcsaward.org/



Mr. Jerry Su Mr. William Chen

Senior Planning Specialist Senior Planning Specialist     

Email: shijin@taise.org.tw Email: william@ccstw.net

TEL: 886-2-27698968 ext. 510 TEL: 886-2-27698968 ext.508